Arrays Package provide a fluent, object-oriented interface for working with arrays, allowing you to chain multiple arrays operations together using a more readable syntax compared to traditional PHP arrays functions.
With Composer
composer require glowy/arrays
use Glowy\Arrays\Arrays;
// Using public method __construct()
$arrays = new Arrays();
// Using public static method create()
$arrays = Arrays::create();
// Using global helper function arrays() alias to Arrays::create()
$arrays = arrays();
Arrays are "macroable", which allows you to add additional methods to the Arrays class at run time. For example, the following code adds a customMethod method to the Arrays class:
use Glowy\Arrays\Arrays;
use Glowy\Macroable\Macroable;
Arrays::macro('customMethod', function($arg1 = 1, $arg2 = 1) {
return $this->count() + $arg1 + $arg2;
$arrays = new Arrays([1, 2, 3]);
echo $arrays->customMethod(1, 2);
echo $arrays->customMethod();
The above example will output:
Method | Description |
all | Get all items from stored array. |
append | Push an item into the end of an array. |
chunk | Create a chunked version of current array. |
column | Get the values of a single column from an arrays items. |
combine | Create an array using the current array as keys and the other array as values. |
copy | Creates a new Arrays object with the same items. |
count | Return the number of items in a given key. |
create | Create a new arrayable object from the given elements. |
createFromJson | Create a new arrayable object from the given JSON string. |
createFromString | Create a new arrayable object from the given string. |
createWithRange | Create a new arrayable object from the given string. |
current | Gets the element of the array at the current internal iterator position. |
customSortKeys | Sorts the array keys with a user-defined comparison function and maintain index association. |
customSortValues | Sorts the array values with a user-defined comparison function and maintain index association. |
dd | Dumps the arrays items using the given function (print_r by default) and die. |
delete | Deletes an array value using "dot notation". |
diff | Compute the current array values which not present in the given one. |
divide | Divide an array into two arrays. |
dot | Flatten a multi-dimensional associative array with dots. |
dump | Dumps the arrays items using the given function (print_r by default). |
every | Verifies that all elements pass the test of the given callback. |
except | Return slice of an array with just a given keys. |
extract | Extract the items from the current array using "dot" notation for further manipulations. |
filter | Filter the current array for elements satisfying the predicate $callback function. |
first | Get the first value from the current array. |
firstKey | Get the first key from the current array. |
flip | Exchanges all keys of current array with their associated values. |
flush | Flush all values from the array. |
get | Get an item from an array using "dot" notation. |
getIterator | Create a new iterator from an ArrayObject instance. |
getValues | Return an array of all values stored array. |
groupBy | Groups the array items by a given key. |
has | Checks if the given dot-notated key exists in the array. |
indexOf | Alias of search() method. Search for a given item and return the index of its first occurrence. |
intersect | Compute the current array values which present in the given one. |
intersectAssoc | Compute the current array values with additional index check. |
intersectKey | Compute the current array using keys for comparison which present in the given one. |
isAssoc | Determines if an array is associative. |
isEmpty | Check whether the array is empty or not. |
isEqual | Check if the current array is equal to the given $array or not. |
last | Get the last value from the current array. |
lastKey | Get the last key from the current array. |
limit | Extract a slice of the current array with offset 0 and specific length. |
map | Apply the given $callback function to the every element of the current array, collecting the results. |
merge | Merge the current array with the provided one. |
next | Moves the internal iterator position to the next element and returns this element. |
nth | Extract array items with every nth item from the array. |
offset | Extract a slice of the current array with specific offset. |
offsetExists | Whether an offset exists. |
offsetGet | Offset to retrieve. |
offsetSet | Assign a value to the specified offset. |
offsetUnset | Unset an offset. |
only | Return slice of an array with just a given keys. |
pad | Pad the current array to the specified size with a given value. |
pipe | Passes the array to the given callback and return the result. |
prepend | Push an item into the beginning of an array. |
prev | Rewind the internal iterator position and returns this element. |
product | Calculate the product of values in the current array. |
pull | Get a value from the array, and remove it. |
random | Returns one or a specified number of items randomly from the array. |
reduce | Reduce the array to a single value iteratively combining all values using $callback. |
reindex | Create a numerically re-indexed array based on the current array. |
replace | Replace values in the current array with values in the given one that have the same key. |
reverse | Reverse the values order of the current array. |
search | Searches the array for a given value and returns the first corresponding key if successful. |
set | Set an array item to a given value using "dot" notation. |
shuffle | Shuffle the given array and return the result. |
skip | Skip the first count items. |
slice | Extract a slice of the current array. |
sort | Sorts a associative array by a certain sub key. |
sortBy | Sorts a associative array by a certain key. |
sortKeys | Sorts array by keys. |
sum | Calculate the sum of values in the current array. |
toArray | Get all items from stored array and convert them to array. |
toJson | Convert the current array to JSON. |
toQuery | Convert the array into a query string. |
toString | Convert the current array to string recursively implodes an array with optional key inclusion. |
undot | Expands a dot notation array into a full multi-dimensional array. |
unique | Remove duplicate values from the current array. |
walk | Apply the given function to the every element of the current array, discarding the results. |
where | Filters the array items by a given condition. |
whereBetween | Filters the array items by the given key is between the given values. |
whereContains | Filters the array items by the given key is contains given value. |
whereEndsWith | Filters the array items by the given key is ends with given value. |
whereEqual | Filters the array items by the given key is equal given value. |
whereGreater | Filters the array items by the given key is greater the given value. |
whereGreaterOrEqual | Filters the array items by the given key is greater or equal the given value. |
whereIn | Filters the array items by the given key value pair. |
whereLess | Filters the array items by the given key is less the given value. |
whereLessOrEqual | Filters the array items by the given key is less or equal the given value. |
whereNewer | Filters the array items by the given key is newer given value. |
whereNotBetween | Filters the array items by the given key is not between the given values. |
whereNotContains | Filters the array items by the given key is not contains given value. |
whereNotEqual | Filters the array items by the given key is not equal given value. |
whereNotIn | Filters the array items by the given key value pair. |
whereNotRegexp | Filters the array items by the given key is not matches to given regexp. |
whereOlder | Filters the array items by the given key is older given value. |
whereRegexp | Filters the array items by the given key is matches to given regexp. |
whereStartsWith | Filters the array items by the given key is starts with given value. |
Getting Started
- all Get all items from stored array.
- append Push an item into the end of an array.
- chunk Create a chunked version of current array.
- column Get the values of a single column from an arrays items.
- combine Create an array using the current array as keys and the other array as values.
- copy Creates a new Arrays object with the same items.
- count Return the number of items in a given key.
- create Create a new arrayable object from the given elements.
- createFromJson Create a new arrayable object from the given JSON string.
- createFromString Create a new arrayable object from the given string.
- createWithRange Create a new arrayable object from the given string.
- current Gets the element of the array at the current internal iterator position.
- customSortKeys Sorts the array keys with a user-defined comparison function and maintain index association.
- customSortValues Sorts the array values with a user-defined comparison function and maintain index association.
- dd Dumps the arrays items using the given function (print_r by default) and die.
- delete Deletes an array value using "dot notation".
- diff Compute the current array values which not present in the given one.
- divide Divide an array into two arrays.
- dot Flatten a multi-dimensional associative array with dots.
- dump Dumps the arrays items using the given function (print_r by default).
- every Verifies that all elements pass the test of the given callback.
- except Return slice of an array with just a given keys.
- extract Extract the items from the current array using "dot" notation for further manipulations.
- filter Filter the current array for elements satisfying the predicate $callback function.
- first Get the first value from the current array.
- firstKey Get the first key from the current array.
- flip Exchanges all keys of current array with their associated values.
- flush Flush all values from the array.
- get Get an item from an array using "dot" notation.
- getIterator Create a new iterator from an ArrayObject instance.
- getValues Return an array of all values stored array.
- groupBy Groups the array items by a given key.
- has Checks if the given dot-notated key exists in the array.
- indexOf Alias of search() method. Search for a given item and return the index of its first occurrence.
- intersect Compute the current array values which present in the given one.
- intersectAssoc Compute the current array values with additional index check.
- intersectKey Compute the current array using keys for comparison which present in the given one.
- isAssoc Determines if an array is associative.
- isEmpty Check whether the array is empty or not.
- isEqual Check if the current array is equal to the given $array or not.
- last Get the last value from the current array.
- lastKey Get the last key from the current array.
- limit Extract a slice of the current array with offset 0 and specific length.
- map Apply the given $callback function to the every element of the current array, collecting the results.
- merge Merge the current array with the provided one.
- next Moves the internal iterator position to the next element and returns this element.
- nth Extract array items with every nth item from the array.
- offset Extract a slice of the current array with specific offset.
- offsetExists Whether an offset exists.
- offsetGet Offset to retrieve.
- offsetSet Assign a value to the specified offset.
- offsetUnset Unset an offset.
- only Return slice of an array with just a given keys.
- pad Pad the current array to the specified size with a given value.
- pipe Passes the array to the given callback and return the result.
- prepend Push an item into the beginning of an array.
- prev Rewind the internal iterator position and returns this element.
- product Calculate the product of values in the current array.
- pull Get a value from the array, and remove it.
- random Returns one or a specified number of items randomly from the array.
- reduce Reduce the array to a single value iteratively combining all values using $callback.
- reindex Create a numerically re-indexed array based on the current array.
- replace Replace values in the current array with values in the given one that have the same key.
- reverse Reverse the values order of the current array.
- search Searches the array for a given value and returns the first corresponding key if successful.
- set Set an array item to a given value using "dot" notation.
- shuffle Shuffle the given array and return the result.
- skip Skip the first count items.
- slice Extract a slice of the current array.
- sort Sorts a associative array by a certain sub key.
- sortBy Sorts a associative array by a certain key.
- sortKeys Sorts array by keys.
- sum Calculate the sum of values in the current array.
- toArray Get all items from stored array and convert them to array.
- toJson Convert the current array to JSON.
- toQuery Convert the array into a query string.
- toString Convert the current array to string recursively implodes an array with optional key inclusion.
- undot Expands a dot notation array into a full multi-dimensional array.
- unique Remove duplicate values from the current array.
- walk Apply the given function to the every element of the current array, discarding the results.
- where Filters the array items by a given condition.
- whereBetween Filters the array items by the given key is between the given values.
- whereContains Filters the array items by the given key is contains given value.
- whereEndsWith Filters the array items by the given key is ends with given value.
- whereEqual Filters the array items by the given key is equal given value.
- whereGreater Filters the array items by the given key is greater the given value.
- whereGreaterOrEqual Filters the array items by the given key is greater or equal the given value.
- whereIn Filters the array items by the given key value pair.
- whereLess Filters the array items by the given key is less the given value.
- whereLessOrEqual Filters the array items by the given key is less or equal the given value.
- whereNewer Filters the array items by the given key is newer given value.
- whereNotBetween Filters the array items by the given key is not between the given values.
- whereNotContains Filters the array items by the given key is not contains given value.
- whereNotEqual Filters the array items by the given key is not equal given value.
- whereNotIn Filters the array items by the given key value pair.
- whereNotRegexp Filters the array items by the given key is not matches to given regexp.
- whereOlder Filters the array items by the given key is older given value.
- whereRegexp Filters the array items by the given key is matches to given regexp.
- whereStartsWith Filters the array items by the given key is starts with given value.