• [icon name="folder" set="bootstrap"] src
  • [icon name="folder" set="bootstrap"] vendor
  • [icon name="folder" set="bootstrap"] project
  • [icon name="folder" set="bootstrap"] var
  • [icon name="folder" set="bootstrap"] tests

The main folder of the Flextype system is src/flextype which stores common and important files for its work.
You cannot edit any files in this folder!

  • [icon name="folder" set="bootstrap"] src
  • [icon name="folder" set="bootstrap"] flextype

The vendor folder contains important libraries that Flextype uses.
This folder is similar to the flextype folder and its contents should not be edited!

  • [icon name="folder" set="bootstrap"] vendor

The project folder should contains entries, uploads, tokens, plugins, routes, templates and all that is necessary for the work of the project.

  • [icon name="folder" set="bootstrap"] project

The var folder is used to store temporary cached files that are automatically created by the Flextype to improve performance.

  • [icon name="folder" set="bootstrap"] var

The tests folder contains unit tests for Flextype.

  • [icon name="folder" set="bootstrap"] tests