 * Generate a hash string from the input string.
 * @param  string $string     String
 * @param  string $algorithm  Name of selected hashing algorithm (i.e. "md5", "sha256", "haval160,4", etc..).
 *                            For a list of supported algorithms see hash_algos(). Default is md5.
 * @param  string $raw_output When set to TRUE, outputs raw binary data. FALSE outputs lowercase hexits. Default is FALSE
 * @return self Returns instance of The Strings class.
public function hash(string $algorithm = 'md5', bool $raw_output = false): self


// Get string hash with predefined settings
$result1 = Strings::create('SG-1 returns from an off-world mission')->hash();

// Get string hash with hashed with sha256 algorithm
$result2 = Strings::create('SG-1 returns from an off-world mission')->hash('sha256');

// Get string hash with hashed with sha256 algorithm and with raw output
$result3 = Strings::create('SG-1 returns from an off-world mission')->hash('sha256', true);

The above example will output:




Getting Started
